5 Years With My
Taylor 314CE Acoustic Guitar 

After 5 years, why I still love my Taylor 314CE Acoustic Guitar!

When I first bought my Taylor 314CE, I posted a video of picking it up from the store. Since then, I have gotten many questions about how I like playing it after a few years. So I made this video, where I share what I like about the Taylor 314CE acoustic electric guitar, and give you a demo of how it sounds now.

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Hi there, I'm Lydia!

I'm a singer/songwriter, worship leader, and host of the Rustic Songbird podcast. I teach independent musicians and songwriters about writing, recording and releasing their own music.

Here on the blog, you'll find songwriting tips, guitar tutorials, music gear reviews, and inspiration to take your music to the next level.

I'm so glad you're here!

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Elixir Light Nanoweb Guitar Strings: http://amzn.to/2qOqDv0